Fire Safety Resources


Fire Safety in the Home

This section of the ACC website provides practical advice on ways to reduce the risk of fire at home.

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Ministry Business, Innovation and Employment – Building and Housing Information

Guidance on Building Warrants of Fitness and Compliance Schedules

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to building owners (and their agents) on how to meet the requirements of the Building Act 2004 relating to building warrants of fitness, compliance schedules and related matters.

Workplace Emergency Planning

This site provides advice for employers on developing an emergency plan. Covers types of emergencies, your legal responsibilities and what should be included in an emergency plan.

NZ Fire Service

Home Fire Safety

Make your home and family fire safe – brochure

Business Fire Safety

NZ Fire Service Guide to Evacuation Schemes

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New Zealand Legislation

Fire Safety and the Evacuation of Buildings Regulations 2006

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New Zealand Transport Agency

Guidelines for developing a Business Safe Driving Policy

These guidelines are intended to help you develop a policy that will help you manage work related road safety and keep your employees and vehicles safe on the roads.

In relation to fire safety, the guideline recommends that all work vehicles be fitted with a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit, a torch, a reflective vest and an emergency triangle.

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Wellington Rural Fire Authority

Farm Fire Safety

A Farm Fire Safe brochure (pdf) available on this site provides practical advice on identifying and managing general and specific fire risks on farms. It also includes a helpful risk assessment checklist.

Fire Safety Tips for Rural Living

Is your properly at risk from fire brochure (pdf)

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Worksafe New Zealand

Introduction to the Health & Safety in Employment Act

First Aid for Workplaces-A good Practice Guide

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Fire Extinguishers are an important part of any fire protection plan.

They are considered to be a first line of attack for fighting fires. When used properly, fire extinguishers can save lives and property by putting out a small fire before it takes hold. Not all fires are the same. Different fuels create different fires and require different types of extinguishing agents.

Our job is to work with you to identify the specific fire risks in your environment and advise you on the safest and most effective types of extinguisher to provide cover from those risks.

While some types of extinguisher can be used on more than one class of fire, others may be ineffective or even dangerous for the operator to use on certain fires. There is no single type of fire extinguisher which is both effective and safe to use on all fires.

All Fire Safety

Please click the links below to view the pdfs.

How to use a Fire Extinguisher

How to use a Fire Blanket